Our Story

Welcome to Moja Living! We are two passionate entrepreneurs who have embarked on an exciting journey throughout Africa. Our goal is to discover the continent's rich culture and traditions while also establishing partnerships with local artisans to create handcrafted products that reflect our passion for style and interior design.

Our love for community and honest products has been the driving force behind our journey. We believe that by working with local artisans and supporting their craft, we can help sustain their communities while also creating beautiful and unique products that our customers will love.

Our travels have taken us through some of the most remote and breathtaking landscapes, where we have met incredible people and learned about their cultures. We have been inspired by the beauty and creativity of the artisans we have encountered and have been fortunate enough to collaborate with them to create a range of handcrafted products that we are proud to offer.

Our passion for style and interior design is reflected in every Moja selected product. We believe that beautiful and functional design can transform any space, and we are committed to bringing products that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and durable.